Welcome to Auslan Space.
This website was founded as a resource site for Auslan teachers. On this website you can find such resources as:
Auslan Monologues and Dialogues
Group settings and workshop information
Research materials
Sample lesson plans to assist your teaching
Games and activity ideas for your students
Teaching tips
Auslan teachers work in a wide range of education settings: Community courses, kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, vocational education and training and higher education institutions. Auslan Space will give Auslan teachers a wide range of resources to enhance student learning.
Please note: to access the website, you need to sign up.
Our moderator will verify that you are an Auslan teacher before giving you access to the site. This is to comply with the funding requirements that helped to develop some of the resources on this website.
Once your login has been approved, you can download resources in this website and use for your teaching. The website has templates and samples that you can modify to suit your classes and students.
We hope you enjoy this website and find it useful.
Any feedback regarding this website would be greatly appreciated.
This website is sponsored by deafConnectEd and Melbourne Polytechnic with funding from the Victorian Department of Education and Training. Resources were also developed with funding from the Australian Research Council.